The World’s Largest iPhone Has a Secret…

all right so this is an iPhone 14 plus quite big phone however how big do you assume the greatest iPhone on the planet is so I wasn'' t anticipating this but YouTuber Matthew light beam informed me he was building the world'' s largest apple iphone a few days ago and afterwards he appeared with it this thing is totally practical 7 feet tall and considers near to 500 extra pounds it has a power switch here there'' s likewise volume switches and a mute switch it'' s so high you need to get up on a ladder to take a selfie with the camera due to the fact that it'' s completely up right here however you know I am the technology YouTuber so I kind of had to explore a little right into just how he made this and also first off view his video for my full reaction on the thing however transforms out there is no apple iphone in fact in right here whatsoever it'' s actually a Mac Mini in below which imitates running a virtual Android phone and after that that Android phone is running a launcher that makes it appear like an iPhone all with some jail rig Technology on the brink to make it see where your finger is to make it imitate a touch screen all that to say it'' s not an apple iphone practically but it is still rather impressive

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